Monday, June 30, 2014

Flowers,Clouds and Family

I have been waiting to get some pictures of garden flowers and that time finally came.

This is a flower cluster on a Ninebark shrub.The flowers are tiny but have such wonderful details.

My Peonies have started blooming,but as is often the case,we are getting lots of rain and Peonies don't do well in rain. I'm glad I got some pictures before the rain took away the beauty of these flowers.

I like the simplicity of this picture.The water looks like silk and of course the reflections are lovely.

Here are two more pictures of the recent clouds.I love this one,especially.

The contrast of light and dark make this picture interesting.

I was out with Steve,capturing cloud shots.Look what happened.Steve wanted a picture of me,but I also got one go him in action.

This is the picture he was taking.It's fun to be out with my son,enjoying our hobby together.Thanks,Steve for joining me.

 A quote from Robert Louis Stevenson:

There is no duty so underrated as the duty of being happy.
By being happy we sow anonymous benefits upon the world.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Sunset and Roses

It is Friday,June 27. This marks the end of another school year and another year of school bus driving. Over the last,nearly 35,years,I have watched many children progress through the grades,from Kindergarten to Graduation.It is exciting to watch them transform from shy little children to confident young adults.
The pictures in today's post have nothing to do with the end of a school year,but rather,are pictures I have taken recently and ones that I like,enough to share with you.

Watching  sunset is one of those things that I enjoy doing.When the sky has some interesting clouds that makes it even better.

The other night I had all but given up on seeing a beautiful sunset,when the sun peeked through the last few clouds at the horizon and presented a beautiful display.

One more sunset shot,the last rays of the sun streaking through the clouds.

A dear friend blessed me with a gorgeous bouquet of roses the other day.She was even thoughtful enough to include a long string of pearls to be used in photography.

I love seeing the roses on my table,but I do know that I have to take time to have a photo session before the blooms begin to fade.

I now look forward to two months of holidays.I have a few plans for these weeks,but some time will also be spent catching up with things at home.

Enjoy the summer months and make many new memories.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Chasing Clouds

Saturday,June 21,was an interesting day. The clouds were changing constantly and created some beautiful scenes. I spent quite a bit of time chasing clouds and getting shots of the skies.

It was mostly a non-rain event,but cloud scenes that kept this photographer busy and happy.
I love those sunbeams shinning through like that.

I found a seldom used railroad track and tried my hand at using it in some of the shots.I may have to  go back there again sometime,for more shots.

It was one of those days when I had a hard time deciding when to stop shooting.

Many of the pictures look very similar,yet each one has a special beauty to it.

This particular cloud was just a beautiful sight to see.

Here's a thought we might all do well to remember.
I found this in one of my perpetual calendars.

Refrain from criticizing others.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Looking up and Down

We have been having some amazing skies recently. 
All pictures in this post were taken with the Olympus camera.

I love watching the sky and the capturing the forms and textures of the clouds.

Today I noticed some small mushrooms on my lawn so of course I had to get some pictures. I didn't realize until later that I got a bonus ant as well. 

This post is from my phone so I will keep it short. Enjoy your summer and stay safe.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Manitoba Prairie Sunset

Getting sunset pictures means one has to be at the right spot and well before sunset.
I have a particular place from which I enjoy shooting sunsets,so on this day,that is where I was,ready and waiting.
While I wait for the sun to set,I must needs be getting pictures in that beautiful evening light.

Looking over the nearby pasture with its rolling hills,I always hope for some animal,perhaps a deer or a fox to wander through.No such luck on this evening,but the scene was still pleasing.

Walking back to my car,which was parked on the roadside,my eyes were drawn to the road heading south through this small valley.

I moved my car over to a better vantage point and just had to get another shot of the pastureland in that golden light just before sunset.

I had mys sister with me on this occasion and no,we did not see any wildlife,but off in the distance we could hear the calling of the Coyotes.It was the perfect touch to a calm evening.

 The sun finally dropped down to the horizon and cast its warm glow over the land.

I have seen more spectacular sunsets,but each one has its own beauty. As the sun dipped down below the horizon and bid the land 'goodnight' for another day,it was a peaceful end to a lovely day.

Keep looking up! I learn from the past, dream about the future and look up. There's nothing like a beautiful sunset to end a healthy day.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The English Gardens and Family

Steve,Kai and I spent a few hours at the English Gardens in Winnipeg on Saturday,June 7.
We had a beautiful day,but unfortunately the timing was not exactly right for lots of flowers.
I have always said that beauty can be found anywhere and on this day I needed to follow that advice.
Despite the lack of flowers,I did find beauty and I want to share some of that with you.
I might add that all images are taken with the Olympus E-M 1.

At the entrance to this garden,I noticed trees which in the past I have not paid any attention to.
The sunlight created a mixed palette of light and shadows and made for a pleasing look.

Inside the gardens I found an ornamental apple tree covered  in blossoms.Trying to capture this detail was not that easy,but you get a feel of how pretty that tree was.

 Alongside one of the paths the ferns were growing in profusion.I had very little time to compose a shot but got this one which I really like.

Kai enjoyed climbing on the various statues.This old man seemed to need someone on his lap for a minute or two.

Steve did not know that I was taking this picture,but I thought that he added the perfect touch to this path. Kai is walking right in front of him,only her bright pants are visible.

Even though I had hoped for more flowers,we had a wonderful time.Any time I get to spend with these two people is special.

There are high spots in all of our lives and most of them 
have come about through the encouragement from someone else.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Once Upon A Time…….

Once upon a time,a very long time ago,on June 11,Jake and Annie Janzen welcomed their firstborn into their lives. They called this little girl,Ruth,a name taken from the Biblical account of Ruth and also in honour of a young school teacher,who taught in the local country school. Her name was Ruth Enns.

When I look at how my name was chosen,I have very big shoes to fill.I have met the school teacher and she was a sweet,sweet lady and I know the Bible story about Ruth.

I have had a wonderful childhood,with loving parents and later a little sister was added to the family to enrich my life.

On June 9,1972,I married the man of my dreams and we formed our own family unit.Life was wonderful and became even richer when our son was born.Unfortunately,not all of life is a bed of roses.In November of 2010,I had to say a final good-bye to Jake here on earth.

Through all of the ups and downs of life,one thing has been constant and that is the love and sustaining power of my Lord.Were it not for the strength I receive through Him,I could not go on.

Today,I want to pause and give praise and thanks to God,who is my strength and joy.

Every 'once upon a time' ends with a 'they lived happily ever after'.
Mine will too!
The day will come when with my Lord and Saviour and many loved ones,I WILL live happily ever after in Heaven.
That is when I will truly be able to sing,'What A happy Day!'

Monday, June 9, 2014

Flowers and Droplets

Here is a quick post showing some of my most recent pictures.

I am really enjoying my new camera,now if only
I had more time to use it.

I planted some Tulips last fall and was looking forward to seeing them.
This one of them.
I like the pointed shape and colour.

The other set is more red and a different shape.I may have to plant a few more Tulips this fall.

I almost missed the apple blossoms,but was able to find a few that still looked nice.

After a rain I was able to capture these droplets on the pine needles.

My Lantana is doing very well this year. I really enjoy this colourful flower and so do the Hummingbirds.

Take time to enjoy the beauty all around you. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Camera Update

These pictures didn't make it into yesterday's post,so here they are today.
Obviously I did not take them,but Steve has the same camera as I do,so these are courtesy of Steve.
Pictures of the E-M 1 with an E-M 1.

The collage was made in camera. This is just one of the many interesting extras on this camera.

I am looking forward to many hours of shooting and having fun with this new toy.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Downsizing by Upgrading

After some strong encouragement from my son,Steve,I did it.
I traded in my large cameras and lenses for a high quality smaller camera.
I now own an Olympus OM DE1. I still have a telephoto lens on it as powerful as the other one I had but a whole lot lighter.

Here are a few pictures I have already taken with this camera.It is a mirror less camera. 

I am more than pleased with the quality of the images.Of course I had to get pictures of reflections.

Steve,Kai and I spent some time at the lake on Tuesday evening. Since at this time I have only the telephoto lens,I am somewhat limited as to what I can get pictures of.

Kai enjoyed playing in the water and would have got herself wet to the very top of her head,if only Daddy had given permission. This picture was shot at 1600 ISO and hand held.

We noticed the spider webs in the grass so of course we had to get pictures.

I am confident that with this new camera,even a little arthritis in my hands will not prevent me from pursuing my hobby of photography. My neck and shoulders will also thank me after a day of shooting.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


It's June! The months seem to fly by faster and faster. 
I just want everyone to know,it has nothing to do with getting older. OK,so maybe it does,but I refuse to admit that.Now,that that has been said and I can go on to sharing the beauty I see all around me.

On a recent nature/birding walk,I found these little Violets blooming to their hearts content,right in the middle of the path.I just love seeing them pop up in these unexpected places.

Standing on my yard,my eyes turned upward to the leaves on the Silver Maple tree and I just knew I needed to get a picture.I think the Maple Leaf is such a beautiful shape and now I was seeing them against that blue sky and with the sunshine lighting them up.It was gorgeous to stand under that tree and see all this. I chose to just show one cluster of leaves,because showing them all just seemed too busy.

At my deck the potted flowers are beginning to show their beauty as well. This year I chose the pink and white theme.I have pink Wave Petunias with a white Geranium in the centre.
This is one of the first flowers on the Geraniums,pure white with tiny yellow stamens in the middle.

For today I will not show the whole plant,but instead focus on just one flower. I love Petunias and the Wave series usually do very well.My Mother loved her Petunias,so each year when I plant them I think of her.

We have had some spectacular sunsets this spring. I don't always get out there to capture the beauty,but the other day I was at the right spot to witness an amazing display of beauty,as God said Goodnight to the world.

One more image from the same night.I love scenes like this and am so thankful that I am able to capture a small part of that beauty with my camera.

 June will be a busy month for me.It is the last month of school before the summer break and there will be lots of field trips to take and students to shuttle from place to place.

It is my prayer that I can do my part to get everyone to their destinations safely and so finish another year of bus driving on a positive note.