Thursday, October 31, 2013


In the last post I shared just leaves,today it is textures.
As I was getting ready to share this post,I began to think about the variety of textures and how,even though each one is so very different,each one is beautiful in its own way.
I would like to think that this is somewhat like people. Each one is different yet beautiful in their own way.

The sparkles of sunshine on the water

A gentle breeze creates ripples in the lake.

The hard surface of a cliff shows a rugged beauty.

Soft puffy clouds float in a blue sky.

The falling water of a fountain makes rings in the water.

Textures,each one special in its own way.
I want to try to look at people as each one being a different,yet beautiful texture in the tapestry of life.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Leaves and Thankfulness

I find myself taking quite a few pictures of leaves,so today I will share a few with you.
I have nothing profound or even very interesting to say about each picture,so I will allow them to speak for themselves. I will instead share a few things from an article written by Phil Callaway,entitled Thanksgiving in the Valley.

The lake in the picture is Lake Minniwasta,west of Morden.

I'm thankful that although things aren't what I'd like them to be,they're not as bad as they could be. 

I'm thankful for the valleys.Nothing grows up on the mountain,growth takes place in the valley where the dirt is.

I'm thankful for the dark.It's the only time I can see the stars.

I'm thankful that my hope is not fixed on the stuff of this earth.That I've go more than tomorrow to look forward to.I've got eternity.

I'm thankful for Someone to thank.A God who is in control,who will never take us where He has not been.

In the above picture I was playing in Photoshop and came up with this frame.

Phil Callaway is a Christian humorist who can also be heard on Back to the Bible 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Baking Buns

Today my granddaughter and I baked buns. We had not done this in quite a while and I was thrilled that she wanted to help.

Kai did a great job of forming the buns. The ones she made were much more interesting than what I made. Hers had unique shapes.
Kai decided to try some colored buns. This was a new experience but in the end the pink ones tasted just as good as the others.
Looking at the buns I made,I must admit they look rather boring compared to the ones Kai made.
We had a great time making memories,

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

At The Fireside

It's been a cool day with a few lazy snowflakes coming down from time to time.It is a typical Manitoba,fall day.No the snow will not last yet,so we don't worry about it.
There is a chill in the air,which foretells of colder days to come.

For just moment,come with me to take one more look at Lake Minniwasta. Oh how I love pretty scenes like this.

While at a friends house a while back,I saw a tree covered with these beautiful red apples.These are not good for eating,but they sure look lovely.Is this what is called eye-candy?I think it might be.

Why don't you pull up a chair and join me at the bonfire.
The warmth radiating from these flames is just what we need today.

 DId you happen to bring some marshmallows for toasting? Yummy!
I can hear the crackling of the fire and smell that wood smoke in the air.These things stir memories that are deep in the heart.Perhaps we can watch the flames and share our hearts for a while.

As the flames die down,we begin to notice the chill in the air again.Thanks for joining me at the bonfire. Your company was wonderful.I think it might be time to move the conversation into the warmth of the house.

Oh how I wish it was that easy to get together and share our stories face to face.

May I leave you today with this Irish blessing,
May the hand of a friend always be near you;
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Nature's Diamonds

As fall is under way and winter is sure to follow,I thought it would be appropriate to share some beauty I have found recently.

The lake west of Morden,is not all that large but I do like going there,because I am assured of finding beauty.

On my last visit there,I was looking for fall colours and did find some,but I found beauty that had nothing to do with fall colours.The sun was shining brightly and scattering diamonds across the water.

The gentle colours of fall add to the beauty seen on the water.I always  feel like someone has taken a hand full of diamonds and tossed them on the water.

In this picture the focus is a little more on the foliage,but take note of the sparkles on the water.

You knew that I would have to zoom in for a closer look.I like diamonds like this.They are free to all who will take the time to stop and look.My response to these is to give thanks to my God for giving these to me.

I found out recently that even a dirty and sometimes stinky marsh can be gorgeous.I guess I always knew this,but this picture really shows that beauty. As the sun was setting at the Kaleida Marsh,it painted a silvery path across the water.The sun itself is one large diamond in the sky.

Canadians have just celebrated Thanksgiving and my friends in the USA will do so in a few weeks.
I believe that each day should be Thanksgiving day,after all,we have so much to give thanks for,that one day is not enough time.With that in mind,I give you the thought for today:

Happiness is waking up and beginning each day
by counting our blessings and kneeling to pray.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fall Splendor

Time for one more walk in the Morden area,to see the pretty fall colors.

I enjoy Lake Minniwasta most any time,but it is especially pretty in fall.

This is a fairly small lake but it has great importance to the city.We get most of our water from here.

A small park within the city limits is Livingston Park.I went for a short talk here and even though the colour was not spectacular it was still pretty.

The Morden Park,which has a playground and baseball diamond is the most used park.I enjoy it because it has lots of tree and natural beauty.This bridge crosses the creek.Here I like how the railing of the bridge draw the eye to the trees on the far side.

Back on my own yard the Sumac in all it's beauty in fall.This is the only reason I still have this shrub. I love the fall display it puts on.

By now most of the leaves have dropped and so have the temperatures.
The next pieces of beauty will come when we have snow on the ground.

God is our safe place where we can rest and be encouraged.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

To all my Canadian friends,Happy Thanksgiving.
We have so much to give thanks for,whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving now or in November.
The day is not nearly as important as it is to take time to give thanks to God.
Here is another post filled with iPhone pictures.

 I took this picture today,October 12,2013,standing on my deck.
I love that I have these colourful trees right close to my house.

Still standing on my deck,and only minutes after the the above photo,here is a look at the sky above me.
We had over an inch of rain over night,but the clouds cleared in time to see some blue sky.

I took this picture today,sitting in the back seat of a friends truck.We were on our way to the restaurant for supper.
This is an HDR photo taken through a tinted window.

I close this post with a collage I made with one of the many apps I have on my phone.
Maybe I have too much time on my hands.I actually did this one while I was waiting for a soccer team to be ready for me to take them back to school.

May you find ample reasons to lift your voice in thanksgiving to God,Who gives us all things.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Amur Maple Beauty

The Amur Maples on my yard are finally showing their best side.

I have no explanation as to why one tree is yellow and the other red,but I do like it that way,

I like all the variations of color as well.

Here is a leaf which is still almost green.

The picture quality is not the best because I used my iPhone.

I am also posting this from the phone so we'll see how it works.

Thanks for all your kind comments on my previous post. I appreciate each one of you,my friends.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Morden Park and Memories

About 2 weeks ago I decided to go for a walk in our local parks.It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and I was hoping to find some amazing fall pictures. Let's just say that I was a little disappointed,because the colours were not that great,but it was nice to be outside in the fresh air.

I started out at Livingstone Park and enjoyed a quiet and peaceful walk.I did meet a couple of people but still I mostly felt like I was alone in the bush.

As I walked along,I heard a Robin chirping.It took a little while to find him,but when I did I could get some decent pictures in a natural setting.

I headed over to our other park,known as The Morden Park. There was more colour here,but my heart was instantly very heavy as I pulled in here.
You see I had forgotten,until that moment that this was the last place that Jake had his camera with him.
It was also much the same time of year as three years ago.He never took any pictures,because he was already waiting for that Heavenly home.

I forced myself to walk around for a short while.As I look at the pictures now,I can see that it was actually very pretty,but I didn't see it that day.Maybe I should have left immediately,but then I would not have gotten these shots.

The grass was covered with a carpet of golden leaves.If I recall correctly,it looked much the same way three years ago.The big difference was that I still had my Sweetie with me then and now I am alone.

Yes,in part I am alone,but I do know that my God is always with me and He gives me moment by moment strength to go on.

Thanks for allowing me to share this special time with you my friends.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Fall Colors With the Phone

All of the pictures today have been taken with my iPhone.

Fall has brought some colour even on my deck.
I purchased these Mums to give fall colour.I know I have shown some close-ups of these,but here is what you would see as you walk up on my deck.
Excuse the plastic bag in the lattice.It is to keep rain out of the plug-in for some lights I have around the deck.

I found this bright yellow up at the lake just west of town. The clear blue sky gives a nice background for the yellow leaves.

Same tree,different angle.The road leads to the back of the lake and is one I have driven down many times in search of photos.

If you promise not to tell anyone,I'll tell you where this is.
This is my view while driving down the street in Morden.
Yes,I was driving,but I carefully timed it so there was no on coming traffic.
You have to remember I was using my phone so I still had one hand firmly on the steering wheel.

 After that confession,let's sit down my a bonfire and relax.
I had the privilege of visiting a friend the other day who lives on a farm.Actually what happened was that another friend and I invited ourselves over for a wiener roast and visit.
We had a wonderful time.Fall is the perfect time for a cozy fire and some roasted hotdogs.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


It is no secret that I love watching the sky.I find so much beauty by simply turning my eyes to look to the sky. We don't need to travel far to see the beauty in the sky.
As I do slide shows in various places,I am always encouraging people to look to the sky for a never ending source of beauty.

Cloud patterns change constantly,so one has to be quick to capture the moment.

A setting sun,water and clouds,combine to make a lovely scene. Some people go to the ocean to see sunsets,and I am sure that would be spectacular,but since I don't readily have that option even a small marshy area will do.

As the sun tries to peek through a small opening in the clouds,the rays burst forth.whenever the sun is shining,the sunbeams are around,but we don't see them unless there are some clouds.

As I was watching the sky,waiting for that perfect sunset scene,I noticed this opening in the clouds.
I loved it and was so happy to be at the right place to capture this moment. 

The perfect sunset I was waiting for did appear.The sky was dotted with just enough clouds and the colours were amazing.

I got many pictures that evening and went back home rejoicing. Not every photography outing turns out this good,but this was a winner in my eyes.

The words on my heart that evening were:
Oh Lord my God how great Thou art!