Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 Happy New Year

As we stand at the brink of a new year,it reminds me of the start of a new day.
Each day is a new day,but we rarely think about it like that. With the dawn of a New Year just hours away,I want to share a few sunrise pictures with you.

A new year dawns,golden with promise.What will this year have in store for each of us?
We don't know and that is a very good thing.

I don't really care to know what will happen this coming year.Of one thing I am confident,no matter what happens,my God and I will walk through it together.

As the sunlight tints the clouds a soft colour,I am reminded of the love God has for me.
It is a love that is kind and gentle.

The rising sun,adds more depth to the colour of the sky,just as God adds depth to my life.I may not always like the things He allows in my life,but they are able to make me stronger if I allow it.

Finally the sun peeks over the horizon and the day has begun.
The new year will begin shortly and we must make a choice as to how we will use each day.

My prayer is that each one who reads this blog will be richly blessed in 2013.
May you have joy in abundance and peace beyond measure.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Lenses

OK,it's time to share a few pictures that are the result of my newest toys.
Some of you may have already heard,but I got a set of camera lenses for my iPhone.
Steve has had some for a while and I thought they were pretty neat.Well,this is what he chose to give me for Christmas.I was thrilled when I opened the package.

This is a picture of the lenses.They are so small,as you can imagine.They attach to the iPhone with a magnet.A small magnetic ring is stuck on to the phone and the lenses go on that.Notice that the Macro is actually two lenses in one.It comes apart to make a macro and together they form a wide angle lens

I was too busy on Sunday,when we had our Christmas to do much,but today I finally had time to try out these lenses.

This is a tiny evergreen frond.It's pretty cool to get a shot like this.

 I stepped outside and got a couple of pictures of the frost around the heated bird bath.
I know that I will be using my phone camera a lot more now.

Here is one more frosty shot.I love all the detail in the frost.

I just had to add this picture,even though it has nothing to do with the new lenses.This female Pileated Woodpecker has been coming to the window feeder several times today.Sure hope she shows up tomorrow for the Christmas Bird Count. I did take this picture with the iPhone.I could get fairly close to the window this time.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas Collage

Trying hard to do all that last minute stuff leaves very little time for posting,so today I give you one more collage/Christmas card I designed.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Unexpected Beauty

On Saturday,December 15,I was on my way to A Rocha to attend a Christmas Open House there when I encountered beauty beyond compare.
At home everything looked pretty normal,snow on the ground and bare tree branches against the blue sky Nothing wrong with that picture,but I was in for a surprise.

 I had only travelled a few miles west of town when the landscape changed. Every branch and grass was covered in a heavy layer of Hoar Frost.I have not seen frost this thick in a very long time.
This is not snow on these branches,but frost crystals.What a marvellous sight!

I hardly knew what direction to turn the camera.Of course that brilliant blue sky only added to the beauty. If you look near the top and centre of the tree in the picture below,you can see  a few branches where the frost has already fallen off. This gives you an idea of just how thick the frost was.

Once I got to A Rocha,the birds were willing photo subjects.
The White-breasted Nuthatch is not one to sit still for very long,so I had to be quick to get this shot.
Notice that even here some frost is evident on the trees.

By the time I started towards home the sun was low in the western sky.The low angle of light turned the frost covered trees into yet another scene of beauty.
I love the way the trees turned pink in the evening light.

Once again I was hard pressed to make a choice as to which direction I would shoot.Looking east all was a beautiful shade of pink or almost purple and to the west the setting sun was creating a different kind of beauty. This scene looks like a cold day,when in reality it was a beautiful winter day,with little or no wind and comfortable temperatures.

 I drove the rest of the way home,about a half hour drive,smiling and praising God for allowing me to be out there at just the right moments.

Thought for Today:
It's not just what you look at that matters,
it's what you see.
Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bouquets of Blessing

After a recent snowfall,I headed out into my yard to see what beauty I could find. I did  not have to look far,it was everywhere.

Looking up,I saw that crystal blue sky of winter and an evergreen,laden with snow.
To me,no matter how often I see this,it takes my breath away. I hope I never tire of seeing such simple beauty.

As I walked along,I noticed the lower branches all snow covered.With the sun backlighting them,they looked amazing.Somehow,this picture doesn't do it justice,but unless you choose to pay me a visit in winter,this is the best I can offer. By the way, I would welcome my blogging friends at any time.

A feeder which I only fill in spring and summer,wears a deep cap of snow as well.
Lest anyone thinks I don't feed the birds in winter,that is not so.I just put the food in the window feeder,so I can watch them from inside the house.

The Amur Maples are still holding onto the seeds and that is just where some snow catches and makes a photographer happy.

Sandra showed some creative art on her blog,so I had to try it as well.
This is just one of too many pictures I took. I moved the camera as I held the shutter button down.
For those who follow me on Facebook,you have seen the collage I did.
Sometimes it's fun to take pictures like this just because.

Thought for Today:
God adorns each day with bouquets of blessing.
{Sometimes these bouquets may be in the form of snowflakes}

Monday, December 10, 2012

Pileated Woodpecker

Let me say at the start,these pictures are far from perfect. I was shooting through a window and it had condensation at the bottom,so parts of the picture look too white.

I was shocked on Sunday morning when I turned and was greeted by this sight.
I have seen the Pileated Woodpecker before,but never this close.I had also suspected that one had visited the window feeder,when a plastic tray was suddenly in two pieces,but had never actually seen one there.
I first took a terrible picture with my cell phone,but then realized that she was not too afraid of me and proceeded to make my way to my camera.
The blur in the bottom left corner is because of the condensation between the panes. I guess I need new windows.I mean one has to do whatever it takes to get good pictures. LOL

At times as I was slowly trying to make my way closer,she would assume this position  which I found to be quite comical.

Because I was using my 400mm lens I was able to get some decent portraits. I like that red cap.I know it is a female,because she does not have the red moustache.

When I got a little too close for her comfort,she flew into this tree. Again,I am shooting through a window. Just look at how that red cap glows.

Mrs.Pileated,you may never know,but you really made my day.Thanks.

Friday, December 7, 2012

New Toy?or App?

I discovered a new 'toy' or as some would call it an App,for my computer.
This week I downloaded the Picture Collage Maker from the app store.
Let me just say,I am having loads of fun with this.
It is easy to use and the results——well.I'll let you judge for yourselves.

These are all pictures I have taken over the last couple of years.
I like them as individual pictures,but I think I like them even more in this collage.

Posting a collage of eagles calls for only one 
Thought for Today:
But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;they will run and not grow weary,they will walk and not faint.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Birds and More

The birds are busy in my world. 
Here are a few pictures taken through my kitchen window.Seems that may be my best choice for winter bird photos.

 I always get a kick out the upside-down habits of the White-breasted Nuthatch.
They look so sure-footed as they make their way down the tree head first.

A male Hairy Woodpecker is  waiting to get to the suet,which is at the base of this tree.
These birds seem very skittish and will fly away at the slightest movement.

I still have several Dark-eyed Juncos visiting the feeders daily.
I like these guys in their sophisticated dark suits. 

I have to add a couple of other pictures. Here is one more of some of the hoarfrost we had recently.
Someone asked what Hoarfrost is. I will not go into the scientific details,but it forms when the atmospheric conditions are just right. What I know,beyond a shadow of a doubt is,it creates a world of beauty overnight.

Here is just one little ornament on my tree.I bought this one for Jake many years ago,because he was a model railroader.Now I hang it in memory of him.

Thought for today:
In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Colors of Winter

December 1 has arrived. With it come all kinds of preparations for Christmas,and Yes,I will choose to call it Christmas with a capital 'C',because it is the birth of Christ which we celebrate.

I realized that the last couple of posts have been fairly dull coloured so today I give you some colour.
Looking out of my back door one morning,this is what greeted me.I love those gorgeous sunrises. This is what makes getting up early so worth it.

Maybe not that much colour,but beauty just the same. Trees covered in hoarfrost get my attention every time.

On that same frosty afternoon,I saw these shadows cast by the poplar trees.

Back on my yard. From my kitchen window I can see the birds. The next two pictures are taken through the window.
The female Hairy Woodpecker stopped for a moment on her way up the tree,so I could get this picture.

Last,but certainly not least is the Blue Jay.He is sitting on the same tree as the woodpecker was on. 
You can see that both pictures were taken on the same day. It was snowing and that made for some great background effects.

Thought for Today:
God's presence with us is one of the greatest presents to us.