Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Early Spring Sights

It is still early spring in my part of the world,although the temperatures have been unseasonably warm.
I have been enjoying the warmer days,and trying to get out more often in search of pictures.
Very few flowers are blooming yet,but the leftovers from last years flowers are still visible.

I found this Milkweed Pod beside the lake,and thought is deserved to have its picture taken.
You can see that on the twigs in the background,the buds are swelling.
I should say that this was taken about a week ago and by now I can see little green leaves sprouting from these same branches.

I looked out of the back door the other day and this is what I saw.
This male Purple Finch was soaking up the warm sunshine at the feeder.
He really was enjoying the warmth,by the looks of it.

The Black-capped Chickadees have been busy trying to hollow out an old tree to build a nest.
He was so busy that I could come quite close and get all the pictures I wanted.
What an energetic bird this is,and still he has time to sing his cheerful tune.

In his feverish work,he would stick his head into the hole and bring out one small bill full of wood shavings.unfortunately,these birds had not done a thorough check of the building site.As he was chipping away at this cavity,he went down too far and now all that is left is an open hole to the outside.No nestlings in this one.I did put a nest box up right beside this tree,so maybe they will use that.

I may not have the easily accessible nest that I was hoping for,but I do have many beautiful images of this cute bird.I have said it before,but if I had to choose just one bird,the Black-capped Chickadee would be  my all time favourite bird.They are cheerful even on the coldest days of winter,and never seem to sit still for very long.

Thought for today:
Praise is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

More Gulls

I have a few more images to share from my trip to Winnipeg on April 6,2012.
Over the years I have gotten so many pictures of gulls,but I am always willing to take more,when the opportunity presents itself.

This one did a quick touch and go as he grabbed a morsel of free food out of the water.They are so quick when they do this,that often I pressed the shutter button too late.

Something tells me that Mr.Mallard was not happy to have the gull this close.
I love those wings spread out over the mallard in a protecting fashion.

Of course no trip to St.Vital Park would be complete without at least one Wood Duck picture.OK,so I took more than one,but I will only show you this one.
The colour of the water and that of the female are almost identical.
I like how she blended into the picture.

I also spent a short amount of time at Ft. Whyte Nature Center.
I was obviously not the only one who wanted to walk the trails.
These two waddled along as if they were enjoying the sights and the weather.

Here is one more shot of the catkins in bloom.I love how they look against that blue sky.For some reason,seeing this makes my heart sing.

Thought for today
Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Gulls and Geese

I had the pleasure of spending some time at one of my favourite photography spots,St.Vital Park in Winnipeg.I have taken countless pictures at this park over the last several years,but I always find more to photograph each time I go there.

Ring-billed Gulls are willing to get their picture taken,especially when you throw out some sort of food.
In this picture I liked the green and red reflection behind the gull. I have no idea what this was,as I didn't notice it until the picture was on the computer.

This one is just taking off.You can tell by the action of the water. The depression caused by the feet on take-off really caught my eye.I also like the wings here and the spray of water. the action of the water.

This gull had just landed and I caught him with the wings still slightly raised.
I was taking pictures of the gulls,but I am always drawn to the way the water looks on each picture.Often this is something I don't see until I have the picture on the computer.

This Canada Goose is on final approach for a landing.I liked how the body is stretched out to make that perfect touch-down.

And we have touch-down.He seems to be sliding on the water.It all looks so effortless.
The action is so fast that I have a hard time keeping up with it.

The one thing I can be sure about is that if I didn't get the right shot this time,the birds will be there again the next time and I can keep on trying.This is just one more reason to get out there again.

Thought for today:
I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.
George Washington Carver

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Raptor Awareness Day

Today I want to share a few images taken on March 31.
A Rocha held a Raptor Awareness day,which turned out to be a huge success and a lot of fun.

When I looked out of the house in the morning,this little fella had come to get breakfast.
I thought he/she looked quite cute,posing for me this way.

The rabbit was cute,but this day it was all about the birds and I could hardly wait to get to the Raptor Awareness event.We were pleasantly surprised at the amount of visitors all day.
The ladies in the canteen served a delicious lunch of sandwiches and soup.
The most visited table was the one with the live Raptors.
The handler was kind enough to take this Great-horned Owl outside so we could get better pictures.
Isn't he a pretty bird?

Also on display was this pretty girl,an American Kestrel.
She was quite impressed with herself and would try every trick in her book to get attention.
Often when someone approached the table she would flutter her wings.Her handler said this was an attempt to get your attention.

Another bird on display was this Red-tailed Hawk.
This is a bird we usually see flying in the sky or sitting on a utility pole,so it was a treat to see this bird up close.This was also a female and a very calm bird.Just look those eyes,they are taking it all in.
In the wild these eyes are used to see prey from a long ways off.

After this event had wound down,I headed over to the Pembina Valley to check on the Hawk Migration.
The migration this year has been very disappointing with very few birds.
on this day it was no different,the hawk numbers were low,but an unexpected treat came when a large flock of Sandhill Cranes circled over our heads.This picture shows only a portion of the flock.I love how they light up when the sun hits them just right.

Thought for today:
 O LORD, how manifold are your works! In wisdom has thou made them all: the earth is full of your riches. 
Psalm 104:24 

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Easter to me means a time of new beginnings.
Since we celebrate Easter at springtime,all of nature is coming alive once more.
More than that,Easter means that I can have victorious life now 
and eternal life in Heaven some day.

To celebrate this special day I am sharing some sunrises which I have captured over the last year.
This first one is taken from my deck.What a way to greet the day.

Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless.
Charles M. Grove

Again a picture taken from my deck.
The clouds looked amazing on this recent morning.I thought I didn't like the trees in the picture,
but now I believe they add some depth to the scene.

The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.  Robert Flatt

This was the scene at our local lake as the sun was peeking above the horizon.
I love that path across the water.

I got this Gerbera Daisy last fall,but the colour and everything about this picture says,
Happy Easter to me.

I wish all those who read this a very Happy Easter.

Thought for today:
Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection,not in books only,
but in every leaf in springtime.
Martin Luther