Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Reason for the Season

December is the month of Christmas. Everyone seems a little kinder and friendlier.
Today I want to share a few of my decorations with you. I do not decorate in an elaborate way,but I love Christmas and all it stands for.

A few years ago we found these pretty ornaments and knew that we needed them on our tree.

This year my tree is done in blue,white and silver.
A friend of mine did the decorating for me.

I also like these little doves. They add so much to the tree.

Of course every tree needs some plain balls on it.

At one time in my life I enjoyed painting the Christmas Village houses. 
I have this set standing under my tree.

You will also see the sparkly snowflakes and a red ornament in my header. The red ornament was a gift from Steve,many years ago.

Thought for today:
Jesus is the reason for the season.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Advent and My Little Tree

On this first Sunday of Advent,I pray that you will be filled with wonder at the season we are in.

This is my little Christmas tree,which God so graciously placed on my window last year.I like it just the way it is.
Please don't look at the dirty window,but rather enjoy my God given tree of frost.

I thought it would be fun to decorate this little frost tree.
I just wish I could translate the decorations onto the tree in my window.

Thought for today:

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Snowy Memories

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American Friends.
In Canada we celebrated this holiday in October,but now I wish for you a day filled with love and laughter,family and friends.

I went back to pictures taken about a year ago.
These are scenes from on my yard in the end of November of last year.
Today we had a high of +11C or 51F.
Needless to say,the little snow we had is now gone.
I think I like the looks of last year better,it is so much prettier than dirty brown.

These light and fluffy snowflakes clung to every little seed head,piling up to make snow cones everywhere.

The last rose buds of the year were adorned with sparkling white snow flakes.

I enjoy seeing the snow accumulate on the tips of the evergreen boughs.
It looks like each tip has it's own little hat.

This picture was taken in the end of November 2010,but i don't remember having that much snow on the ground at that time.
I guess this proves that I need to take pictures just so I can remember what has happened in the past.
That is a good enough reason for me,now if only we would get a nice soft layer of snow so I could get more pictures. LOL

Thought for today:
The color of springtime is in the flowers, the color of winter is in the imagination.  ~Terri Guillemets

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Seeing Beauty Everywhere

With snow on the ground here and the temperatures sitting around −15C/5F,fall is a memory.Thankfully I have a some pictures to help relive that memory.

All of today's pictures were taken on my yard.
You will also notice that I have added a Watermark,in hopes of making it  harder for anyone wishing to steal my images.

This shows a few leaves from the Amur Maples on my yard.

In wandering around the yard looking for photos,I saw the Peony leaves and noticed how pretty they looked.

The rest of the pictures all show the varied faces of the Amur Maples. I love how they light up with the sun.

Spotting a lone red leaf on the ground,was reason enough to get another picture.

A few orange or rust coloured leaves clinging to the twigs.
The gentle colours are pleasing to the eyes.

This coming week I am dong two presentations about my photography. I am nervous,but also excited to share this passion with others.
I have entitled my talks, Photography:The Art of Seeing Beauty Everywhere.

My post today is a good example of that.I decided to spend some time just walking on my yard and looking for beauty.All it takes is a little time and open eyes,to see beauty.
Let us all take time to really 'see' the beauty around us.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Heavens Declare…...

It seems that sunsets are always a favourite. 
I have not been as diligent as I should be in getting out to capture these spectacle,but I did  go out in October and was treated to a beautiful sunset.
Here are a few images from that evening.

The evening started out fairly slowly and I thought that perhaps I had spent this time in vain.Here is how I first saw the setting sun,pretty, but not spectacular.

I turned around and looked to the east,and saw the sky tinged a soft shade of pink.
I love those soft colours almost as much as a vivid sunset.

Slowly the sun dropped down below the horizon.
I found a spot with a little tree to use as a foreground.

As the sun dropped even further,the whole sky turned a deep orange.
I was reminded again that when God puts the world to sleep,He does in a spectacular fashion.

Starting down the road to go home,I was once again greeted with this soft colour in the east.softer and more subdued,but equally beautiful.

Thought for today:
The heavens declare the glory of God;the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Psalm 19:1

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Focus on Flowers

Looking out the window,all I see is drab brown,so to brighten things up I have gone back to some summer images.

I know that I have many pictures which have never been posted,here are just a few of them.

These Hollyhocks were blooming right outside my door.They are an old fashioned flower,but I really like them.For me they evoke memories of my childhood.We always had a patch of Hollyhocks in the garden and I enjoyed walking through them,feeling small among these tall plants.

I slipped over to my neighbours yard one day and took this picture.
Some of these Lilies came from my garden.
This natural bouquet is beside their deck and dresses up the area beautifully.

Of course,I have to include at least one picture of Daisies.I love them and their simple beauty.By now it is a challenge to see how I can photograph them in a new and different way than before.I am already looking forward to next summer and more Daisies.

I have many varieties of Lilies on my yard. Unfortunately I am not organized enough to remember all their names,but I can appreciate the beauty.

This is one of the more unique ones.I am still undecided as to whether or not I really like it,but it is different. Each petal is all blotchy,and as the flower fades it turns a light pink,but still with the spots on it.

Thought for today:
When Christ is the centre of your interests,life will be in focus.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

365 Days…..

365 days or one year have passed since I last gave my Sweetheart a kiss and told him,"I love you".The quick reply from him was,"I love you too",and those were the last words he spoke on this earth.

Here is the way it used to be.Together,happy and enjoying life.
This picture was taken by our Granddaughter Kai.

When we got married I thought that we would always be together,and we were for 38 wonderful years.So much has changed in one year,yet so much has remained the same.

Grandpa and Kai sharing a special moment.
I pray that Kai will always remember her Grandpa.

Yes,I have cried buckets of tears,but I have also laughed heartily.At first I thought this would never happen,that I would once again laugh.
God has been good to me,His love has not changed and it never will. Praise God for that.
Being a widow is not something I had ever considered for my life,but once again,God had other plans.

Both of these people,Jake Hiebert and Dorothy Schritt are with the Lord now.
They went home to heaven about one month apart.

Now as I stand at the start of year two in this life of aloneness,I wonder what God has in store for me.I know that I do not need to know just what every day will bring,but I do need to rest in God and all will be well.

One more picture of the way it used to be.
Oh,how I miss those happy times. Now all I have is the memories,but I am thankful for those,and the many pictures I have.

I am so thankful for each of you,my blogging friends.Here is a place where I can share my sorrows,but also my joys.
Thanks for being a part of my life.