Monday, October 31, 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I Am Still Here

I figured I had better do a post,so you won't forget about me.
I don't know what is happening,but it seems that the days and weeks slip by and I don't get to post to blogger,the way I'd like to.
I have lots of newer pictures,but they need to be edited,so you will once again get some from this past summer.

I walked through a butterfly house at the Assiniboine park,this past summer.
All the butterflies I saw were Monarchs,but that's OK,as they are really stunning.

This is Lamb's Ear after a rainfall. No it is not in my garden,but,as you might guess, at the English Gardens.

I posted a picture of this succulent in a previous post.Here it is in black and white.
I think this plant lends itself well to this.

My last picture for today is a Hibiscus.These were growing outside the butterfly house.I love the tropical look of this flower. I know,in my part of the world they need to be moved indoors for winter.

I hope that I will soon get back on track with posting,but for the next month or so I will not be pushing myself too much.
As I deal with the anniversary of Jake's passing,I will try to be gentle to myself.

Thought for today:
No day is too dark,no burden too great,that God in His love cannot penetrate.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The English Gardens

Well,finally I am back with a post. It seems that the days slip by so quickly.
I have often talked about and shown pictures from the English Gardens in Winnipeg.Today I want to take you,my friends for a walk in the garden,again.
I welcome your company as we take a leisurely walk on a beautiful day.

This is the first thing you see as you enter the gardens.
As I have said before,the gardeners take great pride in 'their' gardens.
Right along the perimeter of the garden are these pillars and each one is adorned with a huge basket of flowers and/or vines.
I believe this is a sweet potato vine in this one.

The walk that leads into the garden draws your eyes right to the centre,where there is a small pond and a display of greenery.
Each year the display is different,yet beautiful.
Notice the benches placed around the pond,so one can sit and enjoy the peaceful scene.

In one spot in the garden is a small Cacti garden.
This is just one of the succulents displayed there.These plants,of course are moved indoors for winter.

Here is another one of the plants in the Cacti garden.

To the back of the gardens, a path takes you to a somewhat larger pond,which is more natural looking.This was taken on the path to this pond. 
I loved how the sunlight lit up the Coleus along the walk.

I have no idea what the bright green plants are,but in front of them are Rudbeckias.
Again the sunlight was like a spotlight on this area.

The whole garden is linked together with beautiful walkways.Along one of these,at the edge of the garden,in a more wooded area,was this log,complete with a foliage frog sitting on it.At least I think it is supposed to be a frog.

One last picture,I know I have more than my usual five today.
The ornamental grasses just add to the charm of this place.

I hope you enjoyed our walk through the English Gardens.
If I lived closer I would be there at least every week.

Thought for today:
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful.
Welcome it in every face,in every sky and in every flower.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Duffy and Smiles

Today I think back to one year ago.This brings tears,but also thankfulness for what was and what is today.

This is a picture I hesitated to show,but I show it only to share how I feel.
Here is Jake one month before his home going.The puppy is Duffy,and belongs to Jake's brother and his family.
Duffy became quite special to us,as he was the only one who could bring this much of a smile to Jake's face.I am thankful that we were able to have Duffy visit us on many occasions. That smile is worth much to me.

You will notice the variety of pillows. I pulled out anything I could which would help to make Jake feel more comfortable.

Thanks Duffy,for giving Jake a smile.

Although we all miss Jake more than words can tell,I am thankful that God has brought each of us thus far.I don't think a day goes by that I don't talk of Jake and of course miss him,but I know that with God's help I can carry on.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Seeing as the flowers are all but faded and gone from my area,today I am thankful for memories and photographs.

All of these were taken in the English Gardens.
Dahlias are spectacular,and come in so many variations.

The Foxglove is a flower I have not been able to grow successfully,so I am thankful I can enjoy them in other gardens.

I have never tried to grow Lantana,but it may be on my list to try for next summer.
THis was a favourite of the Hummingbirds and the Clear-winged Moth.

We live in such a beautiful world and so often see only the things that are wrong.
I want to try to look for what is good and lovely.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Thankful Sunday

Today I am thankful that the birds come to visit me.This Blue Jay was more concerned about getting the peanuts than me sitting nearby.

This picture was taken with my iPhone and the initial post was also done on the phone.
With any luck and some patience I might get the Blue Jay to feed from my hand.
Now that would be something to be thankful for.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Early Morning

Yesterday,on my way to work,I saw the sunrise and wanted to go home and get my camera,so I could take pictures. Of course I didn't.I don't think the boss would have been to happy about my being late,just because I wanted to get a few pictures.
So what was I to do? I got up early on my day off and went out for that sunrise shoot.
I was not disappointed by what I saw.

The large grain elevator in the distance just seemed to fit the whole scene.
The elevator is 3 miles away,but it adds to the look,along with the tracks.
I spent almost 2 hours around the Morden area,capturing the fall colours and the sunrise.It was a good way to spend a beautiful morning.

Today I am thankful for beautiful sunrises.

For anyone who would like to follow Steve and Linda in their month of Gratitude,go to the side bar and click on the link under {express} Life.