Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Few of My Birds

As I wait for the last of the winter snow to disappear,I will share with you some of my winter birds.

This is a  Dark-eyed Junco taking off.
I like how this turned out.

I have seen only three Common Redpolls at my feeders this winter.This male is so pretty.It looks to me like he is posing for just the right picture.

As if on cue,he tilts his head so we can see that gorgeous red cap better.

 The Black-capped Chickadee doesn't seem to think that the Redpoll should get all the attention.
I guess I am glad that I don't understand 'bird' language,but he seems to be saying something.

As a final shot,here is one of my favourite raptors,a Bald Eagle.This was taken this year,and has been the only adult Eagle I have had a chance to shoot.

Thought for Today:
If you want to be rich,count all the things you have that money can't buy.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Photo and A Praise

It is once again time to share a praise verse.
Todays picture was taken by Jake,many years ago.
The original was on a slide and has been scanned into the computer,so the quality is not the best.
God truly is as sure as a rock,we can depend on Him and that is worthy of praise.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

News Flash

I am so excited.I have a News Flash to share with the world,at least with all my blogging friends.
I just realized that I now have 200 followers.
I would never have dreamed that this would ever happen.
Thanks to all of you out there who take the time to read and comment,each of you are very special.
I thought that this was reason enough for two posts in one day.


The splendor of the Rose,

and the whiteness of the Lily

do not rob the little Violet of its scent,

nor the Daisy of its simple charm.

If every tiny flower wanted to be a Rose,
spring would lose its loveliness. 
Therese of Lisieux

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Photo and Praise Time

Here is my photo for today,along with a verse on praise.
This picture was taken at a small lake in southern Manitoba.It was a rainy day,but still there is beauty to be seen.

As I thought on this verse,I wondered who are my enemies.
I don't have any outright enemies,that I know of.
I believe that one enemy that comes to many of us,are the thoughts that run wild in the mind.Satan has a way of working from the inside out to get me defeated.This is a true enemy,so I will call on the Lord and drive that enemy away.
Praise be to my God who will win the victory.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

More Birds

Once again I am sharing more birds pictures.All of these were taken in 2010,on March 31,by me.
It seems that early spring is the time for birds around here.It is too early for any flowers outside,and I'm getting tired of showing snow images.They may have more appeal in the heat of summer.
The following pictures were all taken in St.Vital Park,Winnipeg,Manitoba.

Notice that this  Mallard is on the water,but there is  still ice as well.I can almost imagine that it is walking on water.

In another area of the park,closer to the river,there was a fair amount of overland flooding.During normal times this area is grass and a place where families have their picnics.
Looks like only the Canada Geese are having a picnic on this day.

This image is from much the same area as the one above.The reflections caught my eye.

Looking closer to where I was standing,the reflections had a different yet pleasing look.

Yet another reflection shot.No need to explain this one.

Talking of reflections.I have recently reflected on the verse in Romans 8:28,which goes like this.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,who have been called according to his purpose.
I know that God is good and all that He does is good.
Knowing this and feeling it are two very different things.Many times I don't see the good in what God is doing.
Do I trust Him any less?No.
I choose to believe that what looks and feels like pain now will someday prove to be good.Some day it will all make sense.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Baking and Birds

Let me introduce you to my family.Well,sort of.
I have only one sister,we were born seven years apart.
We both got married and had one son.
Becky,my sister,lost her husband 14 years ago,and as most of you know I said a final good-bye to my husband last year in November.Both our sons got married,both have one daughter.These two girls are 6 months apart.
I have said all this to introduce the next two pictures.
Becky and I,together with our Granddaughters spent a day together a few weeks ago.
I caught the girls playing on the chair.
L-R Kai,Addy
The girls,Kai and Addy ,were very willing to help me bake French Bread.
These were their creations.In the foreground is Kai's butterfly and in the back is Addy's teddy bear.Addy had some help from Grandma to form the bear.
I might add that Kai ,who is the older one,took the picture.
It also helps that her Daddy is a photographer.
We had a great time,making memories.

Now on to the second part of my title,the birds.
Spring migration has started at the Pembina Valley,here in Manitoba.
I have only been there once this year and on that day the birds were absent.The following pictures were all taken on March 17,2010,by Jake.
This is a taste of what it is like on  a good day at the Hawkwatch.
Bald Eagle

Golden Eagle


I am hoping to go take part in the watch,sometime soon,perhaps this weekend.
I had planned on going today,but my plans were changed.

Thought for today:
The wisdom of nature speaks to the heart,
and nature's first language is beauty.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Photo and Praise Time

Once again I share with you a picture and a verse from the Bible,which refers to praise.
Praise is so important and I know that I should be doing more of it,first giving praise to God,and then also also praising others around me for what they are doing well.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Blizzard Warning

It is March 11 and we are experiencing the worst blizzard of this winter.All day we have been hearing about the coming storm,but it was a lovely day,calm and mild,and just a light layer of clouds.Well that all changed rather quickly around 5PM.It started innocently enough,just a few snow flakes drifting down.
No I have not taken any pictures of today's storm,because it is dark outside,but this is what it might look like during daylight hours.
The following pictures were taken in February 2010.
February 2010 by Jake Hiebert

At times I can not see the house across the street.
I can see some lights shinning through,but that is about it.
This picture was taken from on my yard.The storm we are having right now is fierce enough that I cannot see this house.
February 2010,by Jake Hiebert

This is just another view of that February storm.
The one that is raging outside right now has to remain unphotographed,because of the darkness.
February 2010 by Ruth Hiebert

I am thankful to be in a warm home right now.
I do hope that this is the last winter storm of the season.

Thought for today:
God doesn't promise you a life without difficulties,
(or storms)
But He does promise to always be with you.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Three Birds of 2007

For today's pictures,I went back into the archives.
All of the pictures were taken in 2007.
The Waxwings were taken by Jake and the Brown Creeper is one of mine.

This is a Bohemian Waxwing.
Note the rusty under tail coverts.
THis is taken just outside the back door at my house.

Here is a Brown Creeper.
This little bird is a master at camouflage.
They like to start probing for food at the base of a tree and spiral their way to the top.

Here is a Cedar Waxwing.
You can see the white under tail coverts.
This bird and a few others were feeding on the neighbours crab apple tree.

I am thankful that I have all these images to look back at.
Many of them bring back a lot of memories.

Thought for today:
Have you met with Jesus today?
He will encourage your heart as no one else can.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Photo and Praise

I have decided to try something a little different.
For the next while I plan on posting a picture and a praise verse at least once a week.
I am doing this for myself,so that I hopefully,will focus on all the things for which I can and should praise God.
Join me on this journey,if you wish.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sorrow Will End

For the past several days I have been struggling with my emotions,more so than before.This is perhaps quite normal,but still difficult to go through.I have read that grieving is like a roller coaster ride.Well,did I mention that I DO not like roller coasters?
This whole grieving process is exhausting,so today I will just show you some of the pictures I have been playing with.
Learning to use Photoshop CS5 is fun,and a good way to keep my thoughts focused on something other than my loneliness.

I know that God is with me and that gives me the desire to move forward,even during the darkest times.

I am also thankful for friends both those living near me and those of you who reach out and touch my heart via the internet.

I am looking forward to the time when I can be out in God's creation and enjoy the beauty.

I came across this verse today and found comfort knowing that my days of sorrow will end.