Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Winter Beauty

Winter has arrived in full force.
With this comes lots of snow,and of course shoveling.
Now don't get me wrong,there is also a lot of beauty.

The next two pictures are the seed heads of Tansy.
This bright yellow flower may be gone,but the remaining stems still carry a beauty of their own,especially when topped by a handful of snow.

Last week as I was sitting and having my devotions,
I looked out of the window and this is what I saw.
God had put a layer of snow on the evergreens.
This is taken right from my bedroom window.

I was intrigued by the shadows on the snow.
Somehow they don't look quite as pretty on a picture,
but still worth sharing.
The following three pictures are all taken while standing on my yard and looking at the trees on the south side of the yard.

Every little leaf sported a cap of white.
I thought that this one was especially cute.

I do enjoy trying my hand at winter photography,even if it means that I am in snow up to my ankles or more.

Each day I am trying to find something for which to give thanks.
The snow means that I get my exercise and fresh air all in one ,while clearing the walk and car for the 10th time in one day.
O.K. maybe it wasn't ten times,but only felt like it.

I found the following.Unfortunately I do not know to whom to give credit for this.

Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire.
If you did,what would there be to look forward to.

Be thankful when you don't know something,for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for difficult times.
During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations,because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge,because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes.
They teach your valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you're tired and weary,because it means you made a difference.

It's easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.

Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,and they can become your blessings.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Foliage and Flowers

It is time to connect with all of you again.
My days are filled with busyness,yet I feel like I am accomplishing nothing.
The following picture was taken earlier,when the trees still had their leaves.
If I recall correctly,I took this one on the last time Jake and I went out to look at nature.

I have so many memories,but each one is tinged with sadness at this time.
Lest you think I am all sadness,that is not the case.
God is showing me daily,some little thing,I can be thankful for.God is still good.
The next picture is right outside my back door.
I stepped out one day in fall and saw these beautiful leaves growing alongside the pond.
I quickly retrieved my camera and took this shot.

Over the last few months my home has been graced with so many beautiful flowers.
I wanted to remember how they looked,so,often I would take a picture or two or more.
My heart was not in the photography,but the pictures still turned out OK.
Here are two shots of two different bouquets.

Tomorrow my Steve and Kai are coming to help me set up the Christmas tree.
Perhaps with my granddaughter helping,I will be able to enjoy the process.

Thought for today:
Relying on God has to begin all over again every day.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A few More Memories

I find it difficult to make this post,but feel that I need to do it.
Many of you have asked how I am doing.
The short answer is 'pretty good'.
Having said that,there are times when the memories overwhelm me and the flood gates open up.
Here is the last picture of Jake ,taken about two weeks before his passing.

The puppy belongs to Jake's brother and his family.
This little bundle of fur,brought a smile to his lips each time she came.

Winter is now upon us and here is a recent picture I took through the back door window.

Finally I want to share just one picture of the many flowers I received.

The last day or so I have had the following song on my mind and in my heart.The words express my feeling perfectly.

He Giveth More Grace
He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater,
  1. He sendeth more strength as our labors increase;
    To added afflictions He addeth His mercy,
    To multiplied trials He multiplies peace.
  2. When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
    When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
    When we reach the end of our hoarded resources
    Our Father’s full giving is only begun.
  3. His love has no limits, His grace has no measure,  
  4. His power no boundary known unto men;
  5. For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
    He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.
  6. Thanks again for your faithful prayers and notes.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fall Hummingbirds

I guess it is about time to share some new/old pictures.
The last 7 ½ weeks have been hard,and I know there will be more difficult days ahead,but for now,I want to share a few pictures I took on September 4,2010.
These pictures were taken on our yard.
The birds were getting ready to head south,so they allowed me to come fairly close.
I also want to take this time to once again thank each of you for your encouragement,prayers and phone calls.
I always knew that blogging was special,but during my time of need I really found out just how special you all are.THANKS.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Jake Hiebert was born December 19,1941.
He grew up south of Morden and spent most of his life in this small farming community.
He loved his Lord and Savior,Jesus Christ.
Many times I have seen him sitting and reading his well worn Bible,and other christian books.

Today will be a difficult day,as we say a final farewell to his earthly body.
I would like to share with you a tribute which his only child,Steve wrote for him.
I beleive Jake would be so proud of Steve and these kind words.

I apologize for the length of this post,but felt that I wanted to share the following tribute as Steve wrote it.

My memories of Dad start in 1973,but the stories I've heard go back much farther than that.Dad always loved hunting,whether it was with a gun in his younger years,or with a camera.I remember hearing stories of Dad and his buddies chasing some poor fox through ditches and across plowed fields with their cars..I was later told never to follow this example,but still laugh to this day when I think of some of those crazy things that I've heard about.These stories just don't seem to line up with the quiet,gentle man most of us knew him as,and loved.By the time I was forming my own memories os Dad he had matured..well at least to a point,he always kept his fun loving ways about him.I remember a father that always had time for the ones he loved.It didn't matter how tired Dad was from working all day,he always had time for a game of catch outside in the evening. There were countless walks in the bush as we'd go out with his camera and he'd point out out little details in the flowers to me.and explain how bees were not out to get me,but were just doing the job that God had created them to do.He taught me how to ride my bike for what seemed like forever,but I'm sure it was just a few evenings…he'd hang on to the back of my bike and run on the lawn with me…or so I thought..I'd look back  and realize that Dad was standing back and watching me ride on my own and as soon as I realized this,I ended up on my side and he would come running to make sure I was ok…with jst a little smirk on his face,knowing that I could ride on my own.At the time I'm sure I wasn't too thrilled with this teaching strategy,but he always knew what he was doing and now  laugh at this.
As I said earlier,by this time I started forming my own memories of Dad,he had matured..somewhat…I'm not sure how old I was ,but I recall wrestling with Dad one afternoon..in the living room,but I don't recall,but imagine Mom was probably telling us to settle down,when I got the upper hand and managed to push Dad over and we both fell backwards into a chair and bust the leg off the chair….my first response,oh dear,I'm in trouble now.Dad looked at me and started laughing..he was still that crazy guy that loved to have fun..even if it meant wrecking something.
As I grew up I was very interested in astronomy and wanted a telescope… I started saving to make the big purchase..funny thing is ,I think Dad secretly wanted that telescope as much as I did,so he ended up buying it for me as a gift…I think Mom even believed him that it was a gift for me.We spent many hours outside looking at the stars with it…from mosquito infested summer nights to −20C winter night…Dad was always there with me.
There are so many stories I could share about this amazing man that I call Dad..the last story starts only a few months back…I got a call from the hospital   Dad had not been feeling great for a little while,so he went to see the doctor.I remember getting the call and being told he had a large mass on his pancreas.The amazing part of this story is that faced with certain death Dad did not waiver…    I rarely saw him cry,he was not scared of death…even as he was laying in his bed in his last few days or even hours he was still the strongest man I've ever known.He knew he was going to be with Jesus and was excited about this.The last words he said were the morning of his passing…Mom leaned over and said,"I love you sweetheart"….She didn't think he was awake or alert and he whispered  "I love you too". A few hours later he quietly passed away to be with his Maker. 
I could go on for hours talking about all the amazing times that we shared,but as you can see Dad was much more to me than just my Dad…he was my best friend,and playmate and a loving and amazing husband to Mom.
I love you Dad.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Greetings Friends,
   At about 4:25 PM jake went to meet his Lord and Savior.
It was a very peaceful passing,and my first words were"Thank-you Jesus".
This is what he wanted and we are content knowing that he is no longer struggling.
I will post further once we have made the arrangements.
 Than-you for you love and prayers,we appreciate each one of you.
  Ruth and Steve

Monday, November 8, 2010

Update On Jake

Hi Friends,
  It is time to give a short update.
Things have changed rather quickly for us.
In just the last 3 days Jake has gotten so weak,that he is no longer able to walk at all.
Just getting him into a sitting position makes him extremely tired.
On Sunday he was admitted to BTHC.
At first it sounded like it would only be overnight,but by today,I can see that he is there for much longer.
We are still praising God that Jake has very little pain.
He is not eating at all and drinking only small amounts.
He told me today that he is at peace,and believes that he may not come home again.
I again encourage those who are near enough to stop by for short visits.
I can be reached on my cell phone at 204-823-0712,or after 9 PM at our home phone 204-822-3614.
Thank-you to all who call,send an email or stop by,your concern for Jake is heart warming.
To my friends in blogland,thank-you for your well wishes and prayers.
Each of you have in some way brought a ray of sunshine into my / our life.
When the time is right,this blog will once again be a photo blog as the title says.
Until then,thanks for being there for me.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Update Time

This rose was in one of the arrangements sent by a friend to cheer me up.

Here is the update as sent to many people.
God is our refuge and strength,an ever-present help in trouble.  Psalm 46:1
 This is a verse I cling to.Were it not for God in our lives,this would be a terrible time.
Jake,Steve and I feel God's hand in our lives daily.
Not much is changing from day to day.
We are now seeing the doctor every 5-6 days to drain fluid from Jake's abdomen.
On Saturday,he removed almost 4 liters.This usually gives jake some relief,being able to sleep,lying down.
We are scheduled to go back again on Friday.
The appetite is not returning,and according to the doctor,probably will not.
Because of the lack of appetite,jake has lost a lot of weight and is feeling weak.
Most of the time he is now using a walker in the home.
The other on going problem is that his feet are quite swollen,but again,the doc.says that this is because of how the body is not preforming as it should.
It seems that this too may just be the way it will be from now on.
He still has little or no pain and that is a praise worthy thing.
I think the doctors have finally found the right sleep aid for him.
Temazapam together with a long acting Morphine help him to have decent nights.
Thanks again for all your faithful prayers,phone calls,food and visits.We appreciate what each of you are doing to make this journey a little easier.
Once again,please feel free to drop in or call,for those of you close enough to do that.
    Thank-you to all,
        Ruth and Jake
I want to add that I am also very thankful for the many emails from you my blogging friends.
I look forward to reading each one and am encouraged by them.