Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Warmer Weather

The last few days have been beautiful.
The temperatures are climbing,the snow is almost gone
and the birds are returning.
I have not got any new pictures to show,simply because I have not had time to do any editing,but I do have a few pictures of birds which will return in a month or so.
This Ruby-throated Hummingbird was taken by Jake in 2009.
All the pictures today were shot in Winnipeg at the English Gardens.
The remaining pictures are taken by Ruth in 2009.
Obviously they have all been done on the same day and among the same flowers,this is what happens when the birds are so busy feeding,they pay no attention to the humans with the cameras.
The Hummingbirds love these Monarda or Bee Balm as they are also called.
For those of you you already have Hummingbirds around these pictures may not be too exciting,but for us,who still need to exercise patience,they may help to remind us of what is to come.
I hope that these flying jewels brought a ray of sunshine into your life today.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pink Flowers

I have to admit that the last two days I have been somewhat under the weather.
Nothing serious,just a spring head cold,but I am on Spring Break and want to be out there
and not feeling yucky.
I thought perhaps some pictures from a few years ago would help to cheer the day.
 These apple blossoms,show the slightest blush of pink.
 An ornamental crab apple tree,loaded with blossoms.
This one is on our neighbors yard,but we still get to enjoy its beauty.
 Take a closer look at these beautiful flowers.
The town of Morden has many of these trees along the streets,and for a short time in spring they are breathtaking.
Still closer.
The flowers cover the trees,before the leaves are big enough to show up.
I hope your days are filled with beauty.
Keep those cameras handy,so as not to miss a single opportunity.

The bleakness of the winter is melted by the sun;
The tree that looked so stark and dead becomes a living one.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


For today I have a variety of pictures taken over the last few days.
This is an adult Golden Eagle.Although they are not as distinctly colored as the Bald Eagle,they are just as magnificent.
Not every creature we photograph has wings.
The Porcupine was sitting in a tree and allowed us to get really close.
Do you think he is having a 'bad hair day'?
Jake got this picture,of a Red-breasted Nuthatch,a few days ago,when we had mild temperatures and sunshine.
Today the temps have dropped and it is windy and cold.
I shot this today.After coming home from a drive,looking for birds,this Pine Siskin sat so close,I just had to get a picture.Before long these birds will disperse in order to raise their families.

On a side note,we did see 6 Bald Eagles today,but unfortunately all out of camera  reach.

Glorify the Lord with me,and let us exalt His name together.
Psalm 34:3

Monday, March 22, 2010

Hawk Watch

On Sunday Jake and I spent most of the day at the Pembina Valley
Hawk Watch site.
There are several people who do the official count and others come to help by spotting the birds,or just to enjoy watching these magnificent birds fly overhead.
 This Rough-legged Hawk gave us a good display as it soared over our heads.
In the next little while there should be thousands of Red-tailed Hawks passing through this valley.
 A pair of Bald Eagles did some formation flying.It seemed as though they were putting on a show for us.On Sunday they counted a total of 120 Bald Eagles.
 An immature Golden Eagle provided great looks at its beautiful wing patterns.
This is one of the most beautiful immature birds I have ever seen.
The white windows in the wings were so pronounced.
 Here is a look at some of the birders.It was a cool day as the jackets and mitts will show.
I have to say,this is a friendly group,each one trying to encourage the other.
Some of these folks are expert birders and others are very novice,but we are all one big family.
Sunday brought out a lot of people,as we also celebrated the 65th birthday of one of the official counters.
At one point jake counted 16 vehicles,and at least 60 people showed up.
Some of these folks come from Winnipeg,which is about 100 miles away.
Inspite of the cold temperatures it was a very enjoyable day.
I would encourage you to find a Hawk Watch in your area and spend a day just taking in this event.This is truly something one needs  to experience personally in order to appreciate the thrill of hundreds of birds of prey in one day.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The American Robin

The American Robin is perhaps the most easily recognized bird in North America.
Even people who know little or nothing about birds,know what a Robin looks like.
 This bird is commonly seen in summer,probing the lawn for worms.
In Manitoba,we sometimes get to see a Robin in winter.
When they stay in the area for winter,they usually feed on fruits that have remained on the trees.This bird also came to a heated bird bath for a drink.
 Not only is the Robin a beautiful bird,but,its song is so uplifting.
The cheer-up,cheerily can be heard repeatedly.
 A young Ronin has a spotted breast and as you can see often has the leftovers of the downy baby feathers showing.
 This male is no doubt keeping an eye on his territory.
For the last two years we have had the Robins nesting on top of this light on our house.
This is perhaps one of the safest places for them
Before long these birds will be back in our area and we will again be treated to their lovely songs.Hurry back my friends.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Livingston Park

I have a few more pictures taken on March 5,when Jake and I walked through Livingstone Park,in Morden.
This stone is at the entrance to the park.
The park was named in honor of a gentleman who lived in Morden for many years.
Mr.Don Livingstone was a well liked business man in town.
As a matter of fact,when Jake and I got married in 1972,
we bought all our furniture from Livingston's.
The trails were well packed and easy to walk on.
By now I think the trails would not be good for walking,perhaps we'll have to wait a while 
and let things dry up a little.
I found this rotting stump interesting.
Who knows what little creatures may try to make their hone in what is left of it.
Here is another path,but this one has been made by the White-tailed deer.
Many of the areas were covered with deer tracks and deer droppings.
One single hoof print in the snow.
It was hard to get a picture of just one or two,because there were just too many.
We were amazed at the lack of birds,but did find this White-breasted Nuthatch busy feeding on something. I know that in a short while the bird activity will increase and we will be back to capture it.
On a side note,our temperatures have been very mild and the snow is disappearing fast.YEAH!!!


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tender Moments

The weather has been very mild,and for a change today,we saw the sun.
Snow is disappearing fast,so my mind goes to spring photography.
All of the pictures today are from last year.
This Red Squirrel was once again taken at the English Gardens.
THis was one of the first shots with my 100-400mm lens.
Jake took this Redpoll.on our yard.
THis winter we have not seen any of these,and I miss them.
My favorite photographer to hang out with.
Allow me to dream for just a little while.
Oh,how I wish I were able to do this again shortly.
Yes,I have taken some pictures in winter,but it's just not the same.
If the weather continues the way it has been for the last while,
we will soon be out there capturing the beauties of nature.
What was I photographing?
I'm not entirely sure,but these were taken in the same area on the same day.
Isn't that cute?
To capture tender moments like this is what makes me want to get out there again.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Even though we have not seen the sun in several days,
there is a feeling of change in the air.
The temperatures are mild and the snow is melting.Yeah!!!
Can the new growth be far behind?
These are flowers from last years gardens,some of ours,and some in parks.
Regardless of where the flowers are growing,they bring joy to those who stop 
long enough to notice.I hope these bring cheer to your day.
I found this little verse and thought it was most appropriate for this season.
Flowers sleep beneath the ground,
But when they hear springs waking sound,
They push themselves through layers of clay,
To reach the sunlight of God's day.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Eagles and More

Yesterday was a beautiful day so off we went to join the local Hawk Watch.
About 18-20 miles south-west of Morden is a beautiful valley,known to all around here as the Pembina Valley,because the Pembina River flows along it.
Every year at this time,this place draws people from all around and even as far away as Winnipeg and Brandon,to watch the hawk migration.
To learn more about this event and others like it across America go to:
Once at this site you can follow the links and find data on various Hawk Watch sites.
It is still early for our area,but the Eagles are beginning to pass through.
To watch a Bald Eagle soar in the blue sky is thrilling.
The numbers at the Pembina Valley are still low,but will increase as the days go by.
This was a first for me.I had never had the chance to photograph a Golden Eagle.
We saw one mature one,and another,which was too far away for pictures,an immature
If you ever have a chance to go to one of the Hawk Watch sites,you will not be sorry.
The people who are doing the counting are very helpful with identifying the birds,
and the sight of all these birds passing through is spectacular.
I guess we all need to come back down to earth,so here is a Horned Lark,one of our first spring arrivals.This was just down the road from town.
A walk through Livingston Nature Park in Morden is always enjoyable.
Who lives in the tree? This fellow loves trees.
No,he was not up on the previous tree,but he was in the Nature Park.
My last picture for today,this is a look down the creek.
In a few weeks this creek bed will be filled with water.

I will sing to the Lord,for He has been good to me.Psalm 13:6

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Common Loon

As we wait for spring,I want to share with you some of our Common Loon pictures.
Each year these birds stop at the lake just west of town.
Sometimes only one or two show up,but on at least one year we had 14.
What a treat to watch these beautiful birds go about their regular activities.
I remember well the day I got this picture.
I did not have a long telephoto lens or even a very good camera at the time.
Jake slowly walked around,while I sat at one place and waited.
The Loons came swimming within camera range for me,as I happily fired away.
How I wish that I had had the camera equipment I have now.
This picture,as well as all the others,has been cropped to bring the bird closer.
The red eye shows up well here.
This was another one of those magical moments.
Again,the quality is not really good,but considering the equipment I had,I am happy with it.This activity,along with the call of the Loon sent shivers up my spine.
One more picture of this beautiful bird.
Hopefully this spring Jake and I can again sit at the shore of the lake and enjoy the Common Loon.If this happens there will surely be more pictures to share.

Creation's design points to a Master Designer.