Monday, September 21, 2009

A Walk Down Memory Lane 8

On today's Walk Down Memory Lane,I continue to show you more fall scenes.
The pictures may have been taken years ago,but the beauty is timeless.
A reminder that all these are taken from Jake's old slides.

The next five pictures are at Lake Minniwasta,just west of our town.
Morden gets all it's water from this lake.
Doesn't this just make you feel like going for a walk?
Two more scenes of Lake Minniwasta.
This one is Rainbow Falls in the Whiteshell Provincial Park.
Walking across is our son Steve,obviously taken many years ago.
This is a road through our Pembina Valley.
Yet another thre views of our lake.
A road in the valley.
Here is a picture showing what we enjoy doing,hiking through the woods.
This is me(Ruth) and Steve.
Two more fall lake scenes,this time with some canoes.
I invite you to enjoy the rest of the pictures,without commentary.
Today,look for the hand prints of God everywhere.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Back To School

I have been back to work for 8 days now.
Each year it gets more difficult to head back,but once I've been
at it for awhile,I actually enjoy it.
This year started a little different,as I have the privilege of driving a newer bus.
The one I had used for the past several years was getting old fast.
It has now been retired and I get to drive one which is only 4 years old. Below is a collage of pictures with the old and new bus for comparison.
The pictures speak for themselves.
In a few more weeks I will have completed 30 years of bus driving.
More on this will follow at that time.
A smile is a curve that can straighten out a lot of things.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Walk Down Memory Lane 7

It's time again for another Walk Down Memory Lane.
Today I invite you to come along,as we look at fall scenes from around southern Manitoba.
I will let the pictures speak for themselves,so enjoy.

Today,look for the handprints of God everywhere.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Flying Jewels

As I am sitting at the computer,all I hear outside is the rain coming down.
We have had over 3 inches of rain since last night.
The creek running through town is almost full,
which is rare at this time of year.
It has been a dull day,so to brighten things up,
I have a collection of pictures I have taken the last couple of weeks.
All of these were taken in Winnipeg at the English Gardens.

This is a flower garden surrounded by trees.
The gardens are gorgeous,but those pictures will come another day.
Today,enjoy these 'Flying Jewels' as they are sometimes called.
I trust that as you looked at these small birds so well adapted
to feed from the flowers,you have seen the hand of God at work.
This is the day to discover the really important things in your life.