On this first week of spring we have arrived at the letter 'I'.
Unfortunately we have only one bird whose name begins with I.
Now having said that,I think that this bird is quite able to stand on it's own.
The Indigo Bunting is an amazing bird.
This first picture was taken in 2008 in Winnipeg,Manitoba.
While we were walking through a park we noticed this
Indigo Bunting sitting in a small tree.It allowed us to walk around and photograph to our hearts content.
Below is an image also from last summer.We were able to capture this photo
as the little fellow was having a bath in our water feature.
Another shot taken ,perhaps two years ago.
Here you can see the Bunting at our window feeder.
The last two images are taken at least 17 years ago.
These were on our yard out in the country.
For me this was my first look at an Indigo Bunting,
it was amazing.The blue of it's feathers lights up when the light hits it just right.
All of today's pictures were done by my dear hubby,Jake
The earth is the Lord's ,and everything in it.
Psalm 24:1