Saturday, February 28, 2009

Scenes From Years Ago

With this post I have decided to show some old pictures.
All these were taken in southern Manitoba by Jake.
These were done with slide film and scanned to the computer.
I hope you will all have a great Sunday and:
Take time to enjoy God's created world

Friday, February 27, 2009

A Rainbow Bouquet for You

Since we are all waiting for spring,here is a sneak peak at what is coming.
These Crocuses are taken just outside our front door.
Usually they have small buds as soon as we are able to remove the winter mulch.

A bright yellow Tulip also just beside the door.

I enjoy having the flowers right there to greet me as I step outside.

The Bleeding Heart is growing on the other side of the doorway,
so we have color all around us. God sends us rainbows to brighten our days. He sent one to me today in the form of a Bible verse. Psalm 46:10 says: Be still and know that I am God. The rainbow below as well as the other pictures were taken a few years ago by Ruth Take time to enjoy God's created world.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Golden Sunrise

The pictures above were taken a week ago.
When I got ready to go out on the school bus I was greeted
by these scenes. The frost on the window made the sunrise even more beautiful.
From where the sun rises to where the sun sets,
the name of the Lord should be praised.
Psalm 113:3 (God's Word translation)

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Weekly Bird ABC

'E' birds are not as numerous as some others.
I would like to mention that the bird names are ones used in the
Thayer Bird software.
The Eastern Bluebird is not abundant here but is seen every year.
These Eastern Kingbirds were putting on a great display for us. Another shot of the Eastern Bluebird. Obviously this one was feeding some nestlings.
I think these birds are just about the prettiest things around.
Here is another Eastern Kingbird.
This picture shows the banded tail well.
The Eurasian Wigeon is definitely not common in our area.
We were fortunate to see this one at a nature preserve some years ago.
Today's pictures are a mix of Jake's and Ruth's.
Take time to enjoy God's created world.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Memories of 1997

The weather forcaster has been talking about spring flooding recently,
so I have decided to show some scenes from April of 1997.
This was also the year that Manitoba had the flood of the century.
All photos were done by Jake before the digital camera.
The scene above is looking west of our yard along the street. Another photo along the same street. No vehicles other than snowmobiles were able to get around for awhile. This storm started on April 4 and kept on for three days. The Jeep belongs to our son. He had gone out the day of the storm and could not get onto the yard. His Jeep stayed on the street for several days. This picture and the previuos one are looking south down our street. A plow had gone through by this time.
Jake went across the street and took a picture of our house and yard.
Somewhere under all that snow is our car.
Another picture of the Jeep,this time looking towards the north.
Here we are in a newer residential area.
A shot to show the hieght of the snow banks.
This was the scene everywhere.
This was snow that had just drifted in this way.
We saw at some places where people walked onto the roof of the house
from on top of a snow bank.
The scenes all looked much the same.Snow and lots of it.
Streets were narrow paths cut through the snow.
Again just to show the size of the drifts.
On this picture you can see Jake's shadow as he is taking pictures.
This is a storm no one in this area will forget.
I was going to wait until April to post this,
but decided that by that time I didn;t want to think about snow anymore.
Take time to enjoy God's created world.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Snowy Day

The following are all taken by Ruth within the last two weeks.
This Pileated Woodpecker was feeding right along side the street in town.
I took many pictures but this probably the best one.
Our Snowy day happened on February 8.
No we did not see a single snow flake.
On a drive into Winnipeg we found this one Snowy Owl.
He allowed us to take many shots before taking off. I managed to capture the take-off,and was so excited when I saw the pictures. The above scene was what we saw at first.I think he is a beauty. Take time to enjoy God's created world.

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Weekly Bird ABC

'D' birds are not as numerous as some others.
Never-the-less they are special in many ways.
The first one I am choosing to show is a bird seen in our
area year round.The Downy Woodpecker is quite an attractive bird.
The first picture(taken by Ruth)is just outside my kitchen window.
All the remaining pictures are done by Jake
Here the male Downy identified by his red cap is at the suet.
In this picture his back shows up well and it almost looks downy. Love them or not,the Double-crested Cormorant is present on our local waters.
I personally am not a great fan of this bird,but they do have their place in nature as well.
The last picture is one we think is very special.
The Dickcissal is not common in our area.
Jake found this one just south of Morden a few years ago.
We have only seen it that one year,but keep on hoping it will return.
He almost looks like a small version of the Meadowlark.
I hope you enjoyed our 'D' birds as much as we do.
Take time to enjoy God's created world.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Weekly ABC

Let's get started on the 'C' birds.
I have put the Common Loon in first place,
because these birds are only seen in our area as they migrate
through in spring.We have a small lake just west of Morden,
and the Loons stop in there as they journey north.
On April 20,2007 Jake and I counted 24 Loons on this lake.
What a thrill.
The Cedar Waxwing is a most beautiful bird.
The plumage looks silky,and these birds are very sociable.
They most often travel in large flocks.
The picture below is a part of a flock of Common Redpolls we saw recently.
In order to show the beauty of these birds,here is a single bird striking a pose. An early spring visitor is the Chipping Sparrow. I look forward to their return,as they are not afraid of humans. We usually see them all spring and summer,foraging for food near the house. The Common Yellowthroat is perhaps not that common. They are more secretive,but once you have heard their 'witch-i-ty,witch-i-ty,witch-i-ty' song you will not forget them. A brightly colored male Cape May Warbler is always a welcome sight. We do not see the Canada Warbler every year so it was special to get this shot. This bird is described as wearing a black necklace. Last,but not least,the Canada Geese. From early spring to fall migration the Canada Geese are abundant here. The first signs are the long v-formations in the sky,and soon every puddle of water has at least a pair of geese on it. Pictures 1 and 2 are by Ruth, all others are by Jake Take time to enjoy God's created world.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Rose For You

A wild rose placed here for your enjoyment.
An evergreen bough after the rain.
This Red Admiral is enjoying the Purple Coneflower. I hope these pictures brought a smile to your heart. Remember,all creation is an outstretched finger pointing toward God.