Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sunshine and Wind

Today is an incredibly windy day.The sun is shining,
temperatures are above freezing,but the winds are howling.
These wind turbines are located a few miles west of Morden,
and I wonder how they are doing in this wind.

The following pictures are here just to brighten your day and mine.
Hope you enjoy them
Great are the works of the Lord.Psalm 111:2

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Today I am choosing to show a few more winter scenes.
Jake and I saw this scene in a small hamlet west of Morden.
The sun was fairly low in the sky,that time of day when all looks golden.
The golden light of sunset made this old barn look lovely.
Living on the prairies we have a lot of wind,
this day was no exception. Another shot,this time I raised the lens to see more of the area.

The last scene was taken through our bedroom window.

One morning as I was having my devotions,I looked up

and this was the picture I saw.

I just loved the way the sun was illuminating the evergreens.

I deliberately took the picture to show just how I saw it,window casing and roof included.

God's mighty hand can be felt every minute,
For there is nothing on earth that God isn't in it.
All pictures were taken by Ruth

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Weekly Bird ABC

Starting today I will try to post some bird pictures
in alphabetical order.
Today it is -A
American Coot
We usually have lots of these around in spring and summer. American Goldfinch The bright yellow of these birds is always a welcome sight at the feeders. American Redstart We see these every year,but because of their constant movement it is not easy to get good photos of them. American Crow Always present and mostly unwanted. I do need to remind myself that even the Crow is one of God's creations.
Pictures 1+2 are done by Ruth, 2+3 are by Jake Great are the works of the Lord. Psalm 111:2

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Birds and Blossoms

Today is a bright sunny day in my world,but,
it is also windy and cold.
To add to that I am nursing a head cold and feel yucky.
I could use some warm,bright memories to cheer the day.
All these pictures are taken from Jake's slide scans.
So here for your enjoyment are a few of my favorites.
Daisies and Painted Daisies Goldenrod
A Sunflower seen in fields every year.
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch on thistles
Tulips in our garden
Great are the works of the Lord. Psalm 111:2

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Winter Birds

Yesterday Jake and I were invited to the home of some
of our friends,to do bird photography.
Upon arriving at their home we were ushered into a cozy room,
complete with a wood burning stove.Comfy!
This room was designed for bird watching.
The room had large windows on three sides and feeders
hung close to most windows.
A backdrop of evergreens created the perfect setting for photography.
Here are a few of the pictures taken in this lovely setting.
The first five were done by Jake and the last two by Ruth
The main feeder is unique,making use of an old bowl. Some old willow chairs were readily used by the birds for a waiting area.
A beautiful American Goldfinch,posing just right.
This Common Redpoll was waiting his turn at the seeds.
Always a good photo subject,the Black-capped Chickadee.
The only thing between me and the Goldfinch is a pane of glass.
Another Chickadee willing to pose for me.
Great are the works of the Lord. Pslam:111:2

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A New Sighting

I am pretty excited today.I have just added another
'lifer' on my bird list.
Jake and I went out in search of Eurasian Collared Doves.
We saw two on a yard not too many miles from our place. I was happy to be able to get some decent photos of these birds.
They are not common here,but at least five have been seen on this one yard.
It was a thrill to be able to see these beautiful birds.
Great are the works of the Lord. Psalm 111:2

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Come Fly With Us

Today I am taking you on a scenic ride over our area.
O.K. it's not me on this thing,let me explain.
Several years ago Jake had the opportunity to take a ride with
a power chute.This is a large parachute with an engine
and two seats attached to it.I am told they are very safe
but will choose to let others ride.
The above picture is of our golf course in Morden.
This is a scenic area and draws many golfers each year. Here we see a mobile home park,called Dunsten Village.
As you can see this flight was taken in fall.
This shows the area west of our lake.
Jake and I like to go to this area often and have many good photo opportunities here.
An overhead view of Lake Minniwasta.
This lake supplies the town with all it's water.
It also has a beach and campground.
Here we see a large feedlot just north of Morden.
Lots of steaks on the hoof.
A quick flight over the highway between two towns,Morden and Winkler.
Another view of Morden,the area to the right with all the trees
is Morden's Agriculture Research Station ,known for
developing several hardy roses.
The Parkland series of roses were developed here.
I hope you enjoyed this short tour around the area.
Morden is not very large,but it is a beautiful place to live,
lots of trees and friendly people.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Brr It's Cold

Today is another COLD day in Manitoba.
The temperatures dropped down to -28C or -18F
Overnight the weather man is predicting -45C or -49F windchill.
That is just to cold for me,hopefully schools are cancelled for tomorrow.
The above picture was taken south of our little town.
This wagon has seen better days,yet still makes a good picture.
The Blue Jays always show up when there are peanuts available. This good looking fellow is waiting his turn,or perhaps waiting for me to move away from the window. An American Robin has been hanging around all winter. I wonder if he is second guessing himself by now. On Saturday he had three of his relatives with him, guess there is safety in numbers. Life cannot be easy for these birds in temperatures like ours. Great are the works of the Lord. Psalm 111:2 All photos above taken by Ruth

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ice Sculptures

I have no pictures to show today,but I would encourage you to check out some creative photoraphy on my son,s is the link: Steve spent some time at our house today ,using a macro lens to shoot these shots. Hope you enjoy them. Great are the works of the Lord. Pslam 111:2

Saturday, January 10, 2009

More Summer Memories from Jake's Camera

I will not try to identify these insects.
Jake and I hope these pictures will stir pleasant memories in your heart.
Great are the works of the Lord. Psalm 111:2

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Treasures of Winter

The first three photos by Ruth
Last one by Jake.
The treasures of the crystal snows, And all the wonders nature shows,
Speak of a mighty Maker's hand,
That all in love and wisdom planned.
by:Helen Steiner Rice I love the writings of Helen Steiner Rice and hope you enjoy them as well
The ice swirl picture has been colored with Photoshop Elements.
Great are the works of the Lord.Psalm 111:2

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Memories of Summer

It is a cold and blustery day in Manitoba
and I thought it might be time for some 'warm' memories.A close-up of an Iris beard Raindrop on a Lily
Raindrops on a Stargazer Lily
The flower of a Canada Thistle.
These plants are hated by the farmers,but I think they are pretty.
One of my favorite summertime flowers,
a Wild Rose.
They have such a delicate beauty.
Are you feeling a little warmer?
I know that these flowers cheered my heart.
Great are the works of the Lord.Psalm 111:2